Thursday 13 March 2008

Ed Balls - A Musical Tribute

Dear Ed,

I listened with interest to your off stage comments during David Cameron's reply to the Budget Statement in the House of Commons yesterday.

It brought to mind a song I remember first hearing many years ago and so as a heartfelt tribute to your thoughtful contribution to that debate and your contribution to public life in general I would like to dedicate this video to you.

I should warn my own readers that if you feel uncomfortable with the worst that the English language has to offer (and I do mean THE worst) then please don't play this clip and I do mean that.

However for Mr. Balls it all seems oh so very appropriate.

Love, hugs and kisses.


Anonymous said...

He really is a prat. On my blog this morning I counted three absolute howlers from him this week.

Old BE said...

About halfway through the video the guitarist pulls his cheeks apart to reveal Ed Balls' odd looking face!

Anonymous said...

Superb. Labour's next election anthem?