I appreciate that to the vast majority of the bloggerati this won’t be many visitors at all but in an ‘I’m not bothered overmuch about stat’s’ way I’m quite pleased.
On an occasional basis, politics, football, family, work and slaying Hrothgar's heroes.
I appreciate that to the vast majority of the bloggerati this won’t be many visitors at all but in an ‘I’m not bothered overmuch about stat’s’ way I’m quite pleased.
Success or failure in business is caused more by the mental attitude even than by mental capacities.
Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) |
You're welcome ;)
Indeed! Congratulations. I'll drop back again later to do my bit towards the next milestone.
The numbers don't really matter since so many of them are google searches but the number of real people who come back are what encourages us.
That said I always come from bloglines so I don't look like a person. I can never even read your post in the reader since there is only a teaser and I have to click over to see what you are nattering on about today.
I come here as I like the site, I might not understand all the political things written but still read, maybe one day I'll 'get it'.
Real Grendel, Keep up the good work!
Nice one - just shows how many people have read your words of wisdom. Look forward to years more.
Congratulations Grendel. You will find that the visitors numbers will start snowballing hereon in
Sitemeter probably misses about 20-25%. It's good, becayse you can follow patterns by looking at the stats, but Clustrmaps seems to record a higher figure.
Anyhow, congrats!
Congratulations from one who has never ever been interested stats!!!
I'm a long long way off your number.
Well done
Sometimes I get the whole of 5 visitors and I'm happy. Well done on your five figures :D
Thanks you all!
Congratulations, gendel! Us small bloggers celebrate with you!
Woo Hoo. I can remember thinking I would never hit 10k. I don't worry too much about it now. Worthy of celebrating all the same.
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